Flexibility and expertise ensure the permanent availability of your process and plant engineering technology. We ensure system stability by working in partnership with our customers. Our customers worldwide rely today on these Wellmann services.
Implementation of the functionality and reliability of differing plant engineering and process technologies are successfully ensured as they are already determined in advance in the project planning. Experienced project managers plan your system from the outset in such a way that the availability of the process technology is ensured. Permanent teams are assigned to your plant in order to exploit project-specific knowledge. In the event of a fault our service team provides immediate on-site support and advice.
The timely exchange and replacement of wear parts as part of predictive maintenance is a prerequisite for preventing unintended production downtimes. Maintenance and repair plans based on detailed analyses of the actual system status are developed to prevent production downtimes and eliminate weaknesses. As your partner, we carry out all related tasks for you and ensure your production capability.
Service contract
A service contract with Wellmann Engineering guarantees fast operating times and a high availability of spare parts to minimize down-time of your production processes. Your needs are from high priority and often can be solved already with remote service.
Sina Kumm
Head of Service & After Sales
Lukas Berger
Spare parts
Our process technology is made with modern materials, tools and machines. So that we can ensure remarkable long product life cycles. The optimal performance of process equipment is only guaranteed, next to the use of advanced materials, when commissioning and maintenance is done by specialist. Besides the management of spare parts must be ensured easily and quickly. Even the best materials must be eventually replaced and spare parts are necessary.
Wellmann Engineering stores for you the most important spare parts and has partners helping you in the other cases, immediately. Only with reliable partners at your side you reduce production downtime.
With a Wellmann Engineering service contract you get access to higher service levels reducing operating times on-site.
Online Service
Error analyses, program changes or optimisations and even small start-ups are carried out directly online, without travel time. In this way, your costs always remain controllable.
Remote services are the basis for process optimisation and maintenance. With our IT services, we are able to manage any system at any location via the telecommunication networks. As part of the process optimisation and maintenance, this technology enables us to eliminate faults and make adjustments easily and at short notice.
- Worldwide and direct remote access via standard connections for the simple administration of your systems
- Accelerated machine set-up and start-up
- Connection via IP communication (mobile telephony/DSL) or other connections with secure access via VPN technologies
- Quick way to change parameters or identify software errors
- Transfer of files for software updates